The Republic of Tea Get Clean Stackable Tea Tin 42 Ct.
The Republic of Tea Get Clean Stackable Tea Tin 42 Ct.
Feeling out of sorts, heavy or bloated? This two week supply of gentle herbal teas can be used alone or in conjunction with a cleansing program to help the body get back into balance.* These teas can all be enjoyed hot or iced.
Wake Up and Get Clean
Get Clean AM Tea: Morning herbal tea with cucumber and dandelion leaves reputed to activate the kidneys to release toxins.* With gotu kola's stimulating effect on circulation* plus cool spearmint and tangy lemon verbena, you'll receive a caffeine-free metabolic lift*. Smooth and refreshing, bright spearmint notes in this blend are complemented by hints of dandelion and citrus.
Get Clean Anytime
Get Clean All Day Tea: This gentle anytime herbal tea for detoxing helps stimulate the liver to sweep toxins away.* The cleansing properties of organic rooibos, milk thistle seeds and dandelion and burdock roots help get things flowing and keep the kidneys flushed,* while red clover and sarsaparilla are purifiers.* Smooth hints of licorice and vanilla balance nicely with citrusy, organic rooibos in this premium herbal blend.
End of Day and Get Clean
Get Clean PM Tea: This herbal tea features two revered herbs, amla from India's Ayurvedic medicine and schizandra from traditional Chinese medicine, that bring all five flavors - sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and pungent - to your evening cup. These adaptogens can help the body cope with stress while building energy reserves.* Ginger root supports good digestion* while monk fruit lends a sweet finish. This blend steeps a lingering, slightly tart cup with dark berry sweetness that is perfectly balanced with warming ginger notes. The Republic of Tea has created a Tea Revolution - experience fine tea and the Sip by Sip life - a life of health, balance, and well-being.
About The Republic of Tea
Founded in 1992, The Republic of Tea strives to emphasize the Sim by Sip Rather Than Gulp by Gulp lifestyle. Their whimsical branding as an independent republic includes calling their employees Ministers, their retail outlets Embassies, and their customers Citizens. The Republic of Tea strives to be a socially and environmentally responsible business, dedicated to developing projects to support worthy organizations. Their teas are packaged in air-tight tins, either full-leaf or in unbleached tea bags, free of unnecessary envelopes, strings, staples, or bags.