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How to Make Coffee Seltzer

Aug 24, 2020 Most Recent

Seltzer based drinks have drastically increased in popularity the past couple of years, mostly because of hard seltzers (looking at you White Claw). Coffee seltzer is slowly starting to gain popularity as well. Although it's been around before, more coffee seltzer options are becoming available. Coffee seltzer, espresso tonic, carbonated cold brew, iced coffee soda - these are just a few options you can enjoy. Here are few ways to make seltzer based coffee!

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Espresso Tonic 

  • 2 shots (50–60 ml) of espresso
  • 1.5 dl tonic water
  • 1 lime wedge
  • Ice
  1. Prepare a double espresso and leave to cool.
  2. Fill up a glass (200 ml) with ice.
  3. Squeeze the lime juice on top of the ice.
  4. Pour in the tonic water and gently pour in the slightly cooled double espresso.

Sparkling Iced Coffee

  • 2/3 cup of ice
  • Sparkling water
  • 3/4 cup coffee
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup (optional)
  1. Add ice to a tall glass, then pour in the sparkling water until the glass is about 2/3 of the way full.
  2. Add coffee and vanilla syrup, if desired.
  3. Stir lightly to combine and enjoy!

What other ways have you tried? Let us know by tagging us on Instagram!

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