Swiss Diamond ″No More Mess!″ Tongs
Keep Your Counters Clean
Whether handling delicate or difficult pieces of food, Swiss Diamond's "NO MORE MESS!" tongs are up for the challenge. Made of sturdy nylon, this dependable tool is great for every kitchen. Gently pick up and drain excess liquid without tearing them apart. The tong's wide head allows for you to hold larger items, like muffins and cupcakes, without smashing them. They also feature notched handles, making it easy to prop on the side of pans without difficulty. These tongs are even dependable to use with high heat as they are heat safe up to 480 degrees F. Swiss Diamond is dedicated to providing cooks with dependable cookware, including these fantastic tongs for every kitchen. Swiss Diamond SDT02.
About Swiss Diamond
Founded in 1974, Swiss Diamond International Sarl is a private company located in the Swiss Alps. Using the demand for more efficient and improved non-stick cookware as inspiration, Swiss Diamond engineered an innovative type of non-stick coating that utilizes real diamond crystals--which is the hardest material known--and they patented the technology. In 2006, the company sought to improve their revolutionary technology and spent four years researching and testing. In 2010, Swiss Diamond released their advanced HD coating line, which features a 30% overhaul. All current products are manufactured using the new HD coating.